The lake or part lake is available for Angling Societies to hire. This will give the club use from 7.30am to dusk. For whole lake bookings, Clubs must ensure that the entry gates are kept closed.

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WINTER bookings


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SUMMER Bookings


Bookings email: with the name of the fishing club and dates requested.

Match dates will be confirmed after receipt of a deposit and listed below.



For dates January to March please contact us. Dates are alternate Sundays.

9th February Seamorse - Confirmed booking - Whole Lake

23rd February Saffron Walden Angling Club - confirmed booking - Half Lake

9th March

23rd March

6th April Micanite Angling Society - Confirmed Booking - Half lake

20th April

27th April Saffron Walden Angling Club - confirmed booking - Half Lake

4th May Laindon Allsorts - confirmed booking - Half Lake

18th May Ongar Angling Club - confirmed booking - Whole Lake

1st June Warwick Angling Society - confirmed booking - Whole Lake

15th June Eastern Enfield - confirmed booking - Half lake

29th June:

13th July: Sawbridgeworth Angling Society - provisional booking

20th July Saffron Walden Angling Club - confirmed booking - Half Lake

27th July Eternit Angling Club - Confirmed Booking - Whole Lake

10th August Hatfield and District Angling Club - provisional booking - Whole Lake

24th August

7th September

21st September

28th September Saffron Walden Angling Club - confirmed booking - Half Lake

5th October

19th October

2nd November Epping Wanderers - Provisional Booking - Whole Lake

16th November Stort Valley AS - Confirmed booking - Whole Lake

30th November